Posts Tagged ‘ergonomic keyboard’


What is the ‘best’ ergonomic keyboard

In Uncategorized on 22/07/2011 by adaptingit Tagged: , ,

We are often asked what is the ‘best’ ergonomic keyboard?

This is a difficult one to answer because it very much depends on the user and the nature of the ergonomic problem that they may be experiencing.

For RSI type conditions the most popular ergonomic keyboard is the Goldtouch (see Nicely designed and easy and smooth to adjust, this is definitely our best selling ergonomic keyboard.

The Microsoft ergonomic keyboards are very nice to use (I use one myself) and well designed and well priced, as you would expect from Microsoft (See and But strictly speaking, they are not ‘ergonomic’ because they can’t really be adjusted. They are split keyboards which are very comfortable to use and offer all the sophisticated media features that you would expect from a modern keyboard.

The best value at the moment for a truly ergonomic keyboard is probably the Fujitsu Ergonomic Keyboard – KBPC (see Probably not as smart or as smooth to operate as the Goldtouch, it does though offer the split and pronation that are so important from an ergonomic keyboard. Well worth a look at!